Establishment of norms for crown angulation and inclination among Maratha population: Cross-Sectional Study

Original Article

Author Details : Sheetal Kamble, Sonali Vijay Deshmukh, Sachin Durkar, Jayesh Rahalkar

Volume : 5, Issue : 3, Year : 2017

Article Page : 66-72

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Objectives: Selection of an appropriate bracket prescription for any particular individual or population facilitates idealistic and realistic goals for different esthetic around the world. As Caucasian norms show a great degree of variation when applied to different populations, it becomes necessary to establish the norms for every ethnic group. The present study was designed to derive norms of crown angulation and inclination for the Maratha ethnic population, which would be compared with Caucasian norms.
Materials and Method: The sample consisted of 100 adult subjects (50 males and 50 females) of Maratha ethnic origin with traced back to two generations, age group of 18 years and above. Acceptable and straight profiles; Class I molar relation on both sides; with normal overjet and overbite; well aligned arches. Orthodontic Torque Angulation Device (TAD) was used to measure the crown angulation and inclination. Comparison of these values with those established by Andrews is done using unpaired t-test. Comparison of these values with Group I and Group II is done using paired t-test.
Result: The study group exhibited statistically significant values of maxillary and mandibular teeth showed positive crown angulation, maxillary central and lateral incisor showed positive inclination and all other teeth showed negative crown inclination. Maxillary lateral incisor, canine and premolars were less angulated whereas mandibular crown angulation indicates lesser angulation for anterior teeth. Maxillary and mandibular incisors and molars is more positively inclined. And no sexual dimorphism was seen.
Conclusion: Tip and torque modification are suggested for the fine finishing, idealistic and realistic occlusion in Maratha population.

Keywords: Angulation, Inclination, Maratha, Angulation device, Tip, Torque

How to cite : Kamble S, Deshmukh S V, Durkar S, Rahalkar J, Establishment of norms for crown angulation and inclination among Maratha population: Cross-Sectional Study. Int Dent J Stud Res 2017;5(3):66-72

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